12 december 2008

Yeah what have we done today? Hmmm.

Oh yes, Stacey and her daughters came to say HI, they haven't been home for a while so we were happy to see them and Kimo too. He likes them a lot.

Hehe when they entered the room all of us woke up. Me, Augustin, Kimo and Santa, all the of us were deadly asleep on the floor. Kind of cute.

In the afternoon Roxanes daughter were together with us in the playroom and playes around with Augustin and Kimo. I can still not understand how they manage to be that active in that heat. Me and Santa were just relaxing together in one of the corners.

Today; before we put them into their sleeping cages we tries to put nappies on. Santa was wearing them before but Kimo never let us put them on when he arrived here. Now after spending all these days together he accepted me to put it on but the first thing he did when entering the cage was to pull it off : ) I understand him, warm and uncomfortable. Santa refused to drink her milk tonight, a don't know why, but she was eating her apple. I always prepare their cages with half a apple in each for the night

11 december 2008

Today I were spending my time with Kimo until lunchtime when I went to the Farm with Roxane for a second time. I will come with her every Thursday from now.

After coming back from there we were discussing Santa, she is warmer than Kimo and she is sweating so I were a little bit worried for her. Her canine teeth are growing a lot right now so we think that's the reason. We decided to give her some painkilling sirop three times a day for 4 days or something like that.

We are still giving Kimo B-vitamines and Calcium.

10 december 2008

This morning Kimo and Santa were not very happy with me. I left them in their cages in my room while preparing my breakfast in the kitchen. They were crying and crying, I think we almost woke the whole town of Lubumbashi up.

Augustin normally comes when I have been giving them their morningbottles of milk and then we move them together from my room to the playroom and he stays with them while I am preparing tee and sandwiches : ) So the small problem of today was that I were waiting for an other girl from J.A.C.K to come and help me out and she was a bit late and I had to prepare my breakfast before I carried the chimps with me to the playroom. Chimpanzees really like rutines and just a small change like this made them worried.

The day was good : )

9 december 2008

Today we had another fantastic day together all of us. Kimo was taking his nap today : ) GOOD, he needs that to let his hormones do a proper job and let him grow up to be the most handsome and strongest male chimpanzee of the group at J.A.C.K. I know he will : )

8 december 2008

My day OFF. But because they are now spending the nights with me in my room I woke up in the morning, gave them their milk and vitamins and waited for Augustin to come. Then I went back to bed, hehe so nice.

But I really have to admit that I miss them when im not there for the whole day.

7 december 2008

Today I woke both of them up at around 07.00, gave them their milk - mmm YUMMIE - and then I carried them downstairs to the playroom while waiting for Augustin. When he arrived I left the babies with him and went with Franck to J.A.C.K. We moved Jane and Tongo today from the cuaranteen to the new, bigger enclosure. Now they can see and smell the other chimps and hopefully get use to eachother. The plan is to put them together.

As soon as I stept into the playroom again after having my lunch I had one chimpanzee around each leg, holding on very tight. I just love the honest way they show their feelings. Both Kimo and Santa were climbing my arms, resting on my belly. Yeah believe it or not but Santa was climbing on me and playing with me without biting for about half an hour. It felt amazingly nice ; )

6 december 2008

Today we stayed the whole day together again ; )

Its been very nice but it has also been very very hot today. Kimo urinated a lot and a lot and a lot. Normally he urinates a lot but today was worse. I found him again, playing with his poo on the floor. He always just have to touch it after producing it. He can never leave it. At least I didn't found him with poo all over his face like the other day. Kimo, Kimo, Kimo...you are wonderful ; ) If you need a face mask just tell me and I get you one but please leave your poo alone.

Santa gets more and more comfortable with all of us, that's very good.

5 december 2008

Today we stayed the whole day together again ; )

Its been very nice but it has also been very very hot today. Kimo urinated a lot and a lot and a lot. Normally he urinates a lot but today was worse. I found him again, playing with his poo on the floor. He always just have to touch it after producing it. He can never leave it. At least I didn't found him with poo all over his face like the other day. Kimo, Kimo, Kimo...you are wonderful ; ) If you need a face mask just tell me and I get you one but please leave your poo alone.

Santa gets more and more comfortable with all of us, that's very good.

4 december 2008

Kimo has been deficated a lot this morning, Much more than he use to. Maybe he ate something bad or maybe the digestion system was working extra hard today.

I have only been together with him half the day today cause after lunch time I went to the Farm with Roxane. We go there every Thursday to by and to be sponsored with some vegetables for the chimpanzees. It's a big place, when we arrived it almost felt like driving around in south Sweden were you can see one big field after one and an other. The fields were big like that. The farm is owned by the owners of one of the two big supermarkets in Lubumbashi.

It was great, now I know where all these vegetables are coming from.

When I arrived back home again I prepared everything for the night for Kimo and Santa. Made their cages cosy with blankets and stuff and then I went down to prepare all the milkbottles, the ones for the evening; the ones for the morning and one extra bottle if someone suddenly wakes up hungry during night.

From yesterday we have started to put 2 spoons of Nestles babie-milk-powder in each eveningbottle, it smells vanilla and makes the milk thicker which means our small babies will stay longer with a full stomach.

3 december 2008

Today both Kimo and me got a cure each of a diworming medicine, NICE. But the taste was YERK. I think Kimo was thinking the same, he refused to take it from the medicine - cup with milk, i had to put his B - vitamines inside there too, then he took it like a shot : ) Hehe there is some magic over those vitamines, they can make him do anything : )

They were not eating very well today, i guess its the medicine and the change of the milk type. Hmmm didnt taste like before.

Many changes today. I had Angeline with me instead of Augustin. We wanted to try and see if we can get Santa used to women. Rox think that its maybe a women who have been beaten her before, but we need her to trust us otherwise we wont be able to handle her.
Santas keeper is travelling tonight so from today i will have there sleeping cages in my room during night : )
The end of the day we prepare a couple of bottles with milkpowder for the morning and also some emergency once for the night if they wake up hungry.

NITE : )

Ohhhhh.....a tired Kimo : )

2 december 2008

Today Kimo and Santa have played alot together again, they really like having eachother around. The half day they have copletely been entertaining themselves : ) We have just been watching them, hehe....they are fun.Its very good they have started to trust eachother.
We had to put one of the chairs infront of the door again because both of them are climbing them and they know how to open. They have already tried to ascape two times, but we catched them right outside the room....Phhuuuu.
They are really playing around alot with the chairs, they love climbing them in all different ways. Today i suddenly heard a CRASH and i looked up from the book i was reading. Both of them  was laying on the floor with the chair on top : ) ...both Santa and Kimo looked chocked like:
- What happened? : )
Augustin just raised the chair up and ofcourse they were both very OK and they climbed the chair with joy again jut after some seconds. Kimo likes to play wild.
They are like kids but not as sensitive as kids, but still i have to keep an eye on them all the time.
In the end of the day Santa wanted to give Kimo a hug and keep on huging him but Kimo just played around and i dont even think he noticed that she tried to put her arms around him.

Santa climbed my arms today, thats very good, one step ahead to her trust - MAYBE. We think that she was maybe hit by a women before, and thats why she have a hard time to like women.
At least it seems like she has start to accept me as a part of her environment, she is not attacking me like before.
Kimo got a little bit jelouse, but he will get over it ; )

1 december 2008

Today Kimo and Mapima have played around all day long.
Kimos favourite toy has now become Mapimas favoutite toy too so they are constantly fighting about it. Mapima often wins : )
About Kimos abnormal way of moving. I dont think there have been a change since we started to give him the vitamines. OK he doesnt bump into EVERYTHING around but he still do bump into things ALOT and he is still walking on the back of his hands. But it takes time, let us just continue with the vitamines and see if it gets better.
O, yes. About Mapima, i was told today that we are going to change her name to Santa insteda. That comes from Samantha and thats the name of the girl who took care of her after the bad people in Goma (the soldiers etc) have had her and helped us to bring her here. And its a name with only two syllables as all the other chimps in J.A.C.K.
Mapima is not a good name anyway, it means to slap someone and it will remind Mapima/Santa about her passed when she actually was slapped and misstreated everyday and have to steal food to get something to eat. Its terrible : (
So Santa is much better and she is very young so its still okey to change her name.

Santa (Mapima) Oooooooo.......
Little bit worried but still curious of the camera : )

30 november 2008

Another sunday, which means i have been off from work today. But ofcourse i went there to give Kimo a hug and his B vitamines - hmm think he liked the B vitamines the best : )
He is wonderful.

29 november 2008

Today we have spent time with Mapima again, and Augustin a worker from J.A.C.K has also been with us. Someone who works here permanently has to get to know her too bevause i will be leaving this place in a month. And its going OK, she accept him much more than she accepts OR respects me. Maybe she have never seen white people before. My blue eyes maybe scares her like i usaly scare the small children. Hmmm...maybe?
KImo have been playing with Mapima the times when she has not been asleep. She sleeps much more than Kimo cause she is much smaller. He likes to disturb her while she iis resting but as soon as she makes up and move towards him with open mouth he runs away...haha. Kimo, Kimo, Kimo you shall not be afraid of the girls ; )
Somehow i undertand him, Mapima is a tuff one : )

28 november 2008

Today me and Kimo have been together with the new chimpanzee Mapima and her keeper in the playroom the whole day. We want her to get to know us as soon as possible because on thursday her keeper is leaving her and going back home, and she is very very atouched to him. When she cant see him around she cries and cries and get so stressed that she diareer and she doesnt stop until he is back.
This far its impossible for me to touch her, as soon as i try she bites me. She was beaten by the people who had her before. So this day has been very different from the others. Kimo likes laying with her but when she is worried and sad and act strange, he just sits and watch her and wondering whats going on. I can see he gets a little bit worried to af her behaviour.

27 november 2008

Yesteday evening Kimo and Mapima could greet aechother for real. After giving Kimo a bath.
(he had poop all over since night)

I can tell u it was an INCREDIBLE scene. The first thing Kimo did when he was able to touch her was to put his arm around her and huged her so tight; he made sure he shouldnt loose his grib. They were so sweet, and at the same time its so sad to see something like this. Poor chimpanzees, how can people do all this horrible things to them?
I CANT understand that.
This was a big moment and im so glad to see Kimowith another chimp.

They have spent the whole day together in the playroom with me and Mapimas keeper. Thay have been playing alot but Kimo is playing much harder then her, so sometimes she runs back to her mum (her keeper) He will be here unti thuesday, then he goes back to Goma. Wish he could stay longer cause Mapima is very tight with him and i have a feeling that we will have a hard time to get to know eachother. Shes a biter : ) Doesnt like women, only men. Hmmm.

After a long day with his new friend i took him back home, he was in my arms while preparing the milk, drank it and went to sleep. He is adorable, little Kimo : )

Its impossible to explaine the feeling in your heart when a babiechimp climb your arms, look into your eyes and hold on to you like he/she never wants to let go.


26 november 2008

This morning when kimo wake up Mapima was with her keeper playing outside his cage.
After drinking his morning bottle of milk the keeper leted Mapima come close to Kimos cage so that they could greet aechother  through the bars : )
Kimo made his mouth like a circle and puted his lips through the bars to say HI. Ithink he was more interested in her tan she was in him. She is much smaller then Kimo (if Kimo is abou 1 year she is about 6 months) and not as healthy as Kimo were when he arrived in J.A.C.K. You can see she havent been fed properly.

RAIN, RAIN and RAIN and then...... some more RAIN : )
We have been spending our time in the playroom again.

Lesa and Steve (PASA vets) came to play with us today and to say goodbye.

25 november 2008

Today Kimo and I had alot of visitors in the playroom. Some volonteers from J.A..K came with their children to say HI to Kimo.
Stacey was here too, and thank to her i could go with 2 of the PASA people (Lesa and Steve) to the very small craftmarket here in town to have a look. Its nice to move around, havent done that alot this fr cause of allthe work - Kimo needs me.

I guess it was quite tiresome for Kimo to have all these people around cause he took a 20 min nap even if they were all there.

In the afternoon whn i gave him his  5 ml of B vitamines he pored half of the bottle out when i turned my back to find the spoon wich i left on the other side of the table. Hmm...naughty boy : ) Hereally likes these vitamines. As soon as he sees he bottle or the white spoon he goes crazy : ) he always wants more.

In the evening when i brought Kmo backto put him to bed the new chimpanzee babiegirl had arrived. She was there with her keeper. She looked so lost, like - Where a i and who are all these white pople?
She probably havent seen any whites before, shes from Goma, norht of the country and there is almost no white people there. Her name is Mapima but we will call her PIMA.
They were not allowed to great aechother today - NOPE.
After drinking his milk and eating some appe he fell asleep : )

24 november 2008

Monday today. Another chimpy week ahead :)

We have been inside the whole day today as well, its alot of rain these days.
Kmo has been ery sleepy today, he took 2 naps. One 45 min nap around 10.00 and another 45 min nap around 13.00. Stacey came and joined us in the afternoon : ) Alwas happy to see her, and Kimo too, but today when she enteed the room he was o tired he didnt even care. Fell back to sleep again.
I noticed today that the fur on the backs of Kimos hands are gone, cause of his abnormal way of holding them while moving around.

In the end of today i puted Kimo into his cage with some clean and dry, cosy towels - gave him his milkbottle and a banana, then he fel asleep.


23 november 2008

MY DAY OFF - today i had my first day off since i arrived, but i saw Kimo toda anyway while giving him his B vitamine complex : ) YUMMIE.

He likes his calcium complex too but  dont think its as sweet as the B vitamines : )

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