The late update about our last week together!
Excuse the slow update!
Im very sorry for the slow update of the blogg, i have had alot to do and i havent hav access to my pictures and i will not for a while but after 1 week time i promise to update the blogg again.
take care until then. Thank you for reading about me and Kimo! : )
30 december 2008
Ofcourse from now on the days will be different from before, we have to make some changes in the schedual and i will not be with Kimo and Santa as much as before.
We had alot of fun together in the room today. It was me, Augustin, Roxanes daughter, Kimo and Santa. We were playing alot with their soft squared toys. Using them as balls and kicked and throwed them everywhere.
Santa is not very happy with Roxanes daughter yet so she went so mad as soon as she got the toys in her hands and ran after her to bite her. Haha Santa! But she have really changed since just 2 weeks ago. Her face expressions are different and she is much more loving than before. Even if she have her moments : )
Today Santa also found out that the pipe in one of the corners of the room was climbable....hehe. Now we have chimps in the roof too : ) No not really but she had alot of fun climbing up and down and teased Kimo cause he cant. He is trying but its like he is to week, he is not managing!
I am sorry for not putting alot of pictures but im trying to organise them and i will put alot of pictures here for almost each day but i cant promise when : ) If not now when im still here ill complete this blogg when im back home in Sweden so please, come back and have a look later on again : )
29 december 2008
But i feel godd now, just a virus passing by so tomorrow im fit for fight again. : )
28 december 2008
And as the chimps can get the same diseases as us humans i really have to stay away from them while feeling like this.
Missed them today!
27 december 2008
Today have been a little bit easy going then yesterday. Actually i just spended the morning and lunchtime with Kimo and Santa. I felt very sick and went to bed so i lost half of the day with them.
Before i should not bothered but now...... im counting the days. I know that very soon i have to start spending half my days without them to make them comfortable with me NOT being there and get them more atouched to everyone else. Its very difficult bur its like Roxane told me i HAVE to stay strong and act normal because they feel everything, their instincts are telling them directly when something is not right. I think they know me better than many of my friends : )
YES i have to stay strong for them.....
thats what they have been doing for me the last 2 months. : )
26 december 2008
This day has been totally crazy.
Normally these days Santa is almost always in my arms or plays very close to me, but today she has been eberywhere and nowhere ; )
She and Kimo have played around the whole day non stop. And when it was time for eating - Mango was on the meny, but im telling you after 15 min that mango were everywhere else then in Kimo or Santas mouth : ) It was like someone had tried to clean the floor and wals with mango chutney, haha.
Me and Augustin have been laughing and laughing today. My god! I dont know how to ever thanks this beautiful creatures for all the joy they have brought to my life. I love them!
25 december 2008
I have been OFF from work today but in the morning before Augustin came i took one chimp under each arm and went down to the playroom in my pyamas : ) Spended 1 hour with them there and then i went back to bed when Augustin arrived. NICE start on a new day.
24 december 2008 MERRY CHRISTMAS!
First thing i saw was the beautiful light from my small christmas tree in my bedroom and i just felt so much HAPPINESS i cant even describe it with words. Im so thankful for everything. Im so thankful for Kimo and Santa who have teach me so much about myself and life : ) They are incredible.
The day passed by with nothing particular happening and after preparing for the night but before giving them their last milkbottle i gave them a bath. Im telling you, it was nessesary ; ) And on christmas eve if not otherwise, everyone have to be fresch, hehe! Both of them were a little bit tense but when the nice warm water were poring down there fur i could see that they were enjoying. But the slippery floor was a bit scary : ) Now both of them smell like me. Hehe. If thats god or bad, i dont know : )
23 december 2008
Im sorry for the delayness (can you say like that?) of my writing but time is just flying away and im trying to enjoy every minute i can with the chimps and my life here in Congo.
Today was just an ordinary day. Both of them are very fine and they are eating well and playing around with eachother more than ever. Its so nice to see them having fun together.
Bedtime today was a bit difficult. Santa was very worried and restless when i putted her in her cage and with her worried crying she made Kimo worried too. I went out of the room after giving them their milk and cover their cages to make them realise its actually BEDTIME. They cried hysterical for about 15min before they calmed down and went to bed. I stood outside my room and listened to them. I dont know what worried them but definitely something.
22 december 2008
Avokado must be fun to play with, hehe and the way Kimo slowly slowly pressing his finger down in it from above, its a scene believe me.
Kimo had some liquid poop today, maybe he ate something his not use to yesterday when i was not there or maybe he ate to uch of something? Lets see if its the same tomorrow.
This day just passed by, the time is flying! In two days it will be christmas eve and after that i have 2 weeks left with these amazing craetures. Whoo let us not think about that, gonna miss them so much : (

Kimo is grooming Santa!
21 december 2008
But Santa woke me up early this morning drying to come out from her cage so i went down to the playroom with them directly after giving them their morningbottles!
A nice pic!

20 december 2008
Hi there : )
Wow today my little Kimo have been a naughty one. You know these days when all the funny tricks never ends : )
Peeing on everything and everyone, trying to steal things and then tear them apart etc. Hehe.
We had some visitors today, Bharat and two more friends came and said HI to us. Kimo is as usual always there in the front of everyone and catch peoples hearts but Santa is more shy. And if she come close to someone she often wants to bite, sweetheart : )
Today they got their second dose of the diworming medicine. It went well cause as soon as we show them the spoons for the vittamines they just open their mouthes and swallow. But i saw on the look on Kimos face when Rox gave him his dose that he noticed it was not B vitamines this time : )
Hehe Whats this?? Breakdancing chimps?
Kimo and Santa are playing all over.
19 december 2008
When it was time for sleeping both of them were by my side. Santa were lying on her tummie on my tummie and Kimo was lying beside me on my arm. These are moments you really appreciate life maximum. It was so wonderful.
Santa. Kimo.

18 december 2008
Today was a short day for me with Kimo. In the afternoon i went with Roxane to the farm.
Nothing particuar happen today. He took his nap, thats good!
17 december 2008
Hello friends!
Whooo today was a very hot day for us. Kimo had alot of energy as usual, he played around the whole day, no rest at all. Santa was resting and sleeping so he became somehow restless. Me and Angeline (a keeper from J.A.C.K) were ofcourse there for him, and played around but when it was hot, hot, hot inside there we were not in the mood for swinging the chimp and fight about toys.
- Sorry Kimo but you are born here ; ) Im from a cold place, hope ull forgive me for that. : )
Otherwise its been a good day, but i would like them to eat a little more than they do. I dont know how much a 1 year old chimpanzee usually eat. They are drinking there milk well and today they shared 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banan and 100ml of yougurt.
They are still not very happy about the bread and the bukari, just playing around with it and vegtables doesnt have their big interest either.
But while im having my coffie and a piece of chocolate in the middle of the day that piece of chocolate is very interesting, NO chocolates are NOT for chimps : ) Hehe and even if it was i would never give it away for anything : )
Today i heard Kimos curious/warning Whaooooo, Whaooooo for the second time since he came, i just love listening and watching him when he is doing that, hehe. SWEETHEART.
16 december 2008
A long day! : )
This morning i had to enter the playroom with Kimo and Santa in my pyamas, haha. Santa is so worried in the mornings and she refuse to stay in the cage after she has been drinking her milk. She just want to come out of there and she is crying and screaming and climbing the small bars. I couldnt even go to the toilet cause she went totaly upset and its not good for them to feel that much stress.
Maybe she just have a bad sleeping period right now, i was told human babies are like that too.
Stacey was with us today again and she had some fights with Santa to get some respect. She is a very naughty chimp cause of all her reasons from the passed, ofcourse. Bites, bites and bites. But Stacey bit her back and after the second time she stopped attacking her ; )
Today was a special day!
The new enclosure at J.A.C.K was officially "open" by the minister, Kimo and Santa were also introduced officially as the two new babies in the project.
TV was there and the minister was "cutting" the ribbon which was put around the new place. A new board has been put infront of the new enclosure with all the logos of the ones who gave money to make this come true. So nice.
Christina, if you read this blogg, we would love to know the name of the school of the children you are working with who did this big incredible foundation for J.A.C.K. We want to put the name of the school on the board to, right now it says : Swedish school, but in french.
Kimo and santa did good this afternoon, am proud of them.
15 december 2008
Today we had some visitors in the room. Stacey and her daughter came and said HI and played with Kimo and Santa for a while. OK they played with Kimo and tried to get to know Santa.
Santa kept on attacking Stacey but after Stacey bit her back twice she stopped. After that Santa just gave her these cruel looks once in a while ; ) We have come to know that when she is mad she looks like gremlings! Hehe, sweetheart!
The new vet of J.A.C.K also passed by and said HI and checked on Kimo and Santa. Santas canine teeth are growing alot right now and she is swollen in her cheeks. Kimos movements are still abnormal.
14 december 2008
13 december 2008
Today they woke up earlier then usual and actually cried for their milk. I went up and prepared it, gave it to them and were thinking of going back to sleep. NOPE. They kept on crying until we went down to the playroom.
It was so hot inside there today. My God. But we usually keep the door open when its thqt hot and I put myself in the entrence as a chimpguard. Hehe.
A very good friend of mine came for a visit today to meet our babies. Santa climbed his leg when she saw him but Kimo was a little bit suspicious. He is protecting his mum.