16 december 2008

A long day! : )

This morning i had to enter the playroom with Kimo and Santa in my pyamas, haha. Santa is so worried in the mornings and she refuse to stay in the cage after she has been drinking her milk. She just want to come out of there and she is crying and screaming and climbing the small bars. I couldnt even go to the toilet cause she went totaly upset and its not good for them to feel that much stress.
Maybe she just have a bad sleeping period right now, i was told human babies are like that too.

Stacey was with us today again and she had some fights with Santa to get some respect. She is a very naughty chimp cause of all her reasons from the passed, ofcourse. Bites, bites and bites. But Stacey bit her back and after the second time she stopped attacking her ; )

Today was a special day!
The new enclosure at J.A.C.K was officially "open" by the minister, Kimo and Santa were also introduced officially as the two new babies in the project.
 TV was there and the minister was "cutting" the ribbon which was put around the new place. A new board has been put infront of the new enclosure with all the logos of the ones who gave money to make this come true. So nice.
Christina, if you read this blogg, we would love to know the name of the school of the children you are working with who did this big incredible foundation for J.A.C.K. We want to put the name of the school on the board to, right now it  says : Swedish school, but in french.

Kimo and santa did good this afternoon, am proud of them.

Postat av: Sanna

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Kram Sanna!

2008-12-17 @ 18:33:46
URL: http://sannawiberg.blogg.se/

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