4 december 2008

Kimo has been deficated a lot this morning, Much more than he use to. Maybe he ate something bad or maybe the digestion system was working extra hard today.

I have only been together with him half the day today cause after lunch time I went to the Farm with Roxane. We go there every Thursday to by and to be sponsored with some vegetables for the chimpanzees. It's a big place, when we arrived it almost felt like driving around in south Sweden were you can see one big field after one and an other. The fields were big like that. The farm is owned by the owners of one of the two big supermarkets in Lubumbashi.

It was great, now I know where all these vegetables are coming from.

When I arrived back home again I prepared everything for the night for Kimo and Santa. Made their cages cosy with blankets and stuff and then I went down to prepare all the milkbottles, the ones for the evening; the ones for the morning and one extra bottle if someone suddenly wakes up hungry during night.

From yesterday we have started to put 2 spoons of Nestles babie-milk-powder in each eveningbottle, it smells vanilla and makes the milk thicker which means our small babies will stay longer with a full stomach.


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