24 november 2008

Monday today. Another chimpy week ahead :)

We have been inside the whole day today as well, its alot of rain these days.
Kmo has been ery sleepy today, he took 2 naps. One 45 min nap around 10.00 and another 45 min nap around 13.00. Stacey came and joined us in the afternoon : ) Alwas happy to see her, and Kimo too, but today when she enteed the room he was o tired he didnt even care. Fell back to sleep again.
I noticed today that the fur on the backs of Kimos hands are gone, cause of his abnormal way of holding them while moving around.

In the end of today i puted Kimo into his cage with some clean and dry, cosy towels - gave him his milkbottle and a banana, then he fel asleep.



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