25 november 2008

Today Kimo and I had alot of visitors in the playroom. Some volonteers from J.A..K came with their children to say HI to Kimo.
Stacey was here too, and thank to her i could go with 2 of the PASA people (Lesa and Steve) to the very small craftmarket here in town to have a look. Its nice to move around, havent done that alot this fr cause of allthe work - Kimo needs me.

I guess it was quite tiresome for Kimo to have all these people around cause he took a 20 min nap even if they were all there.

In the afternoon whn i gave him his  5 ml of B vitamines he pored half of the bottle out when i turned my back to find the spoon wich i left on the other side of the table. Hmm...naughty boy : ) Hereally likes these vitamines. As soon as he sees he bottle or the white spoon he goes crazy : ) he always wants more.

In the evening when i brought Kmo backto put him to bed the new chimpanzee babiegirl had arrived. She was there with her keeper. She looked so lost, like - Where a i and who are all these white pople?
She probably havent seen any whites before, shes from Goma, norht of the country and there is almost no white people there. Her name is Mapima but we will call her PIMA.
They were not allowed to great aechother today - NOPE.
After drinking his milk and eating some appe he fell asleep : )


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