27 november 2008

Yesteday evening Kimo and Mapima could greet aechother for real. After giving Kimo a bath.
(he had poop all over since night)

I can tell u it was an INCREDIBLE scene. The first thing Kimo did when he was able to touch her was to put his arm around her and huged her so tight; he made sure he shouldnt loose his grib. They were so sweet, and at the same time its so sad to see something like this. Poor chimpanzees, how can people do all this horrible things to them?
I CANT understand that.
This was a big moment and im so glad to see Kimowith another chimp.

They have spent the whole day together in the playroom with me and Mapimas keeper. Thay have been playing alot but Kimo is playing much harder then her, so sometimes she runs back to her mum (her keeper) He will be here unti thuesday, then he goes back to Goma. Wish he could stay longer cause Mapima is very tight with him and i have a feeling that we will have a hard time to get to know eachother. Shes a biter : ) Doesnt like women, only men. Hmmm.

After a long day with his new friend i took him back home, he was in my arms while preparing the milk, drank it and went to sleep. He is adorable, little Kimo : )

Its impossible to explaine the feeling in your heart when a babiechimp climb your arms, look into your eyes and hold on to you like he/she never wants to let go.



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